Aaron and Helena are eight months old this week. They continue to grow so quickly and we enjoy watching them reach each new milestone. This month they are moving more than ever. They are not crawling yet but that doesn't stop them from getting where they want to go. Both Aaron and Helena roll very well and can get to just about any object they lay their little eyes on. Helena moves quite fast and is able to turn her little body in any way she chooses. Aaron has discovered how to push up onto his knees just not while he is pushing up with his arms. It is just a matter of time before they have figured it all out and Mommy and Daddy will be in big trouble!

This month Helena's first two teeth came through. She is so happy that she can join her brother in the tooth club. Aaron's third tooth cut through and the one next to it is just about ready pop through.
Aaron gets such a kick out of himself when he reaches over to take Helena's toy. They both enjoy taking toys away from each other now. It is fun to watch them interact with one another. Helena is just as good at taking Aaron's toys when she sees something she likes.
One of the most enjoyable things about this age is the way Aaron and Helena are starting to put sounds together. They constantly babble. Aaron's voice is loud and boisterous while Helena has a sweet little voice that almost sounds like a song.

Both Aaron and Helena tried baby biscuts this month. Helena was not impressed. Aaron was not only impressed, he enjoyed every bite!