Aaron and Helena are nine months old! In the last month both Aaron and Helena have mastered moving from place to place with no problem reaching their final destinations. This includes loose wires, doors that swing open and shut, their dog Roxie, the DSL box, the blinds and all other things that are not usually considered toys. It's a good thing Mommy and Daddy are there to swipe them up and move them away from danger.
At Aaron's most recent doctor's appointment he weighed in at 22 pounds, 14 ounces. He is now 29 and 1/4 inches long. You can almost see all five of his teeth in this picture. Note that in this pictures he has crawled underneath his exersaucer, which is the only way he likes to enjoy this contraption these days.
The doctor reported that Helena was growing well at her most recent appointment as well. She weighs 20 pounds and measures 28 and 1/2 inches tall. If you look close enough you can see Helena's two teeth in this photo.
Aaron now weighs too much for his infant carrier car seat prompting a large purchase of two new convertable car seats. Here, Aaron is pictured sitting in his new "cowmooflage" seat. As you can see it is very large and cozy. Even though Helena is still able to fit safely into her carrier seat we didn't want her to feel left out. Above you can see that she too enjoys the new space.
Even though both Aaron and Helena are moving quite well, Helena is the only one who is moving at a full crawl. Aaron favors the army crawl and from time to time he will lift up onto his hands and knees to move around.