Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, September 25, 2009

Birthday Parties

The first of the summer birthday parties we went to was Lexi's fifth birthday party. She had a pool party and the kids loved wrapping her present and singing "Happy Birthday" to her.

Helena loves to follow her big cousin, Lexi, around and do all of the "big girl things" that she does.

Aaron and Helena both love when Daddy performs "the super" with them in the pool!

Aaron has no fear when it comes to the water, he spent the whole day jumping in, making sure Mommy and Daddy were standing far away.

Summer Fun

This summer we spent a great deal of time at Stacie's parents house swimming in their pool. Both Aaron and Helena love the water and spend almost every minute of our visit swimming and jumping in the water.
All dressed up - Helena, 28 Months

Would you like some of my ice cream cone?

Helena tries to tip Daddy over in the water?

Aaron floats in the water

Helena relaxes on the raft