We all had a great Memorial Day this year! We started our day in Berlin watching the local parade. Aaron loved seeing the fire trucks and Helena loved hearing the bands play all of the patriotic music. The best part for all of the kids was the obscene amount of candy thrown out to the observers. Aaron and Helena loved running out to pick it up! Later, we went to Stacie's parents house where we enjoyed the first pool experience of the summer! Aaron and Helena were in and out of the water all day! Natalie even tried, although she wasn't a big fan!

Aaron and Helena-First Memorial Day Parade

Aaron waves his American Flag

Aaron is taken for a bike ride

Helena tries to give her cousin, Lexi, a ride

Aaron poses with his hat and shades

Helena's loves for the day: watermelon and goggles. She wore the goggles all day because she didn't want anyone else to wear them!

Aaron had to be coaxed out of the water from time to time. While it was a warm and humid day, his lips would start to tremble uncontrollably. He just loved swimming in the pool!

Helena takes a ride in her boat

Natalie was all smiles as she visited with everyone. She really enjoys pushing up to stand and can hold herself up pretty well.