Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Ten Months Old

In the last four weeks, Aaron and Helena have really started to move! They are both able to pull themselves up onto their knees. Some items that live at higher levels are no longer safe.

Aaron has put his leg muscles to good use. As you can see he has learned to pull himself up onto his legs and stand. It was a huge wakeup call this morning when Daddy came in to see Aaron standing in his crib. Needless to say this event prompted a speedy lowering of cribs this evening!

Helena cannot help herself when it comes to the cable receiver. The blue light is just too hard to resist. Her little feet are just too cute!

Aaron and Helena have taken more interest in each other. They are starting to make each other giggle as they play. Of course they are always drawn to the toy that the other is happily playing with, but they are very cute as they try to communicate with one another.

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