Helena has really developed into her own little person. She is an observer who is patient and slow to warm up to strangers. She has such a sweet little voice and will melt your heart with her smile. She entertains herself very well and likes to take her time to play and explore. Although she is not yet walking, she is crusing along furniture and can balance herself on her two feet without support.
Aaron is quite the ham these days! He will smile and wave at just about anyone. He enjoys playing peek a boo, clapping and making noises of any kind. These days, Aaron is just a ball of motion! He does not like to sit still for even a minute. He is very interested in the world around him. Aaron has taken a few short steps over the past few weeks. He is able to balance himself very well and we are convinced he will be walking in no time.
Helena rides her new Princess Car. She is working very hard to be able to get herself on and off of her car. At this time, she can only move the car backward, but she will soon master forward motion!
Aaron enjoys playing with his Little People toys. Although sitting still is not something Aaron usually does, he does like to tinker with things. He likes to open and close small trap doors and put his toys in small spaces and then take them out again.
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