Aaron and Helena went to the doctor for their fifteen month visit (it was a bit late). Aaron now weighs 27 lbs and is 33 inches tall. Helena now weighs 23 lbs. and is 32 inches tall. They have hit all of the appropriate milestones and then some! They are both into climbing on everything now. They are curious about how they fit into the world around them, as you can tell by the photo above. Aaron loves to try and sit or climb into all sorts of spaces. He gets very frustrated when he is too small. Helena enjoys trying on Mommy and Daddy's shoes and is very content to help out with some of the chores at home too!
Helena enjoys reading her family picture book
Helena's intense look
Aaron and Daddy relaxing by Grandma and Grandpa's pool
Aaron's favorite thing to do with this raft is stand on it, but it is hard to get a photo because Mommy and Daddy both need to hold the raft and Aaron. Here it is a bit easier to keep him safe and take his photo.
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